zaterdag 3 januari 2009

New title - Universal protector of ...

People stop playing Guild Wars due to no more goals they have. Some of the die hard players don't stop playing due to the diversity of characters they have started to play. When starting a new character you want to go to the end of a chapter very quick to unlock different high end missions, skills and other nice things. This means people do not do the bonus/master rewards. That is in my opinion the a pitty.

That's why my title idea comes in place.

A new account based title...the Universal protector title.

If you have ten characters on one account and establish every protector title on them you get tis title.

This is how it works:
Character 1 Warrior - Protector of Tyria
Character 2 Monk - Protector of Tyria
Account based title enabled - Universal protector tear 1
Character 3 Elemenatlist - Protector of Tyria
Account based title enabled - Universal protector tear 2
Character 4 Necromancer - Protector of Tyria
Account based title enabled - Universal protector tear 3
Character 5 Ranger - Protector of Tyria
Account based title enabled - Universal protector tear 4
Character 6 Ritualist - Protector of Tyria
Account based title enabled - Universal protector tear 5
Character 7 Assassin - Protector of Tyria
Account based title enabled - Universal protector tear 6
Character 8 Mesmer - Protector of Tyria
Account based title enabled - Universal protectortear 7
Character 8 Paragon - Protector of Tyria
Account based title enabled - Universal protector tear 8
Character 8 Dervish - Protector of Tyria
Account based title enabled - Universal soldier tear 9 - Legendairy Universal protector of Tyria

Of coarse this is per chapter, Elona, Cantha and even GWEN. Even with hard mode enabled this could be added too resulting in a title like say God walks amongst Universal Envirmonent player (GWAUEP-title)...

After receiving tear 9 you could be rewarded with ie.
1. Multiplyer in droprate golds/specials
2. Price reduction at buying consumables, lockpicks etc...
3. Added to the hall of pve fame monument on internet/in game/guild hall

  • People have new goals to achieve till GW2 will arive.
  • They start team up again, guilds will evolve again
  • People who left the game will return
This idea was formed due to the achievements my brother was getting with his other characters. Due to helping others more then thinking for himself he already achieved several protector titles on other characters then is primairy character.

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